The most recent:
On 27th of April 2017 the following book was published by Policy Press in Bristol: Designing Prostitution Policy: Intention and Reality in Regulation the Sex Trade, by Wagenaar, H., Amesberger, H. and Altink, S.
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Wagenaar, H, Altink. S. (2012) Prostitution Policy as Morality Politics or why it is Exceedingly Difficult to Design and Sustain Effective Prostittution Policy, Springer Verlag.
Wagenaar, H.,Amesberger, H., Altink, S. (2013) Final Report of the International Comparative Study of Prostitution Policy: Austria and the Netherlands,
Chapters from Stolen Lives, Trading Women into Sex and Slavery, published in London by Scarlet Press (1995). The book describes early cases (end of the eighties and the beginning of the nineties) of trafficking in women inĀ The Netherlands.