Corona in the Amsterdam Red Light District

Corona in the Amsterdam Red Light District Punters with a mouth shield, who bring their own towels and therefore also want a discount. That was a week ago. Now there are hardly any customers. The advice to keep about 1.5 to 2 metres...
Posters at busstops

Posters at busstops

From July 24th till August 7 a curious poster can be seen at five bus and tram stops in Amsterdam. The text of the press release Why the campaign ‘sex work = work’ ? Across the globe sex workers fight to improve their living and working conditions. Wherever possible...
Het netwerk van De Rode Draad

Het netwerk van De Rode Draad

‘Komt de politie wel eens bij jullie?’ vroeg de Amerikaanse onderzoeker Ron Weitzer eind jaren negentig tijdens zijn eerste bezoek aan De Rode Draad. ‘Jawel’, zo luidde ons antwoord. ‘Wat komt die dan doen, jullie arresteren?’ ‘Nee, ze komen overleggen, limonade...