Entry in sex work

Entry in sex work

In collecting data about sex work it is quite common to ask the workers why they have decided to become a sex worker. In every answer to this question, money is a common denominator. [i] All authors agree that a financial incentive plays a major part in the decision...
Labour Relations in Sex Work

Labour Relations in Sex Work

In countries like ours we have labour laws, there are rules and we have ideas about what is a good employer. This is the result of more than a century of political activity, of trade unions and a lot of court cases. But that is not the case in prostitution. In the...
Registration in the Netherlands

Registration in the Netherlands

One of the big issues of debate now in the Netherlands is the registration of sex workers. The aim would be prevention of trafficking. In the past there have been attempts to register prostitutes, for various reasons. Did registration ever attain its goal? The Romans...