Documentaries by Eveline van Dijck, English subtitled.

Documentaries by Eveline van Dijck, English subtitled.

Eveline van Dijck made two documentaries voor HUMAN, the broadcasting company for humanists. Sex worker Josje answers questions by school pupils. Click here. (English subtitled) The English version: click here And: Strong Women, interviews with victims of human...
Selectie publicaties Sietske Altink

Selectie publicaties Sietske Altink

  Altink, S. (2013) Wallenbeleid Asscher komt uit de oude doos, over comfortfeministen versus comfortpolitici, op de JOOP, 14 maart 2013. Wagenaar, H., Altink, S., Amesberger, H., (2013) Het Nederlandse prostitutiebeleid is mislukt, in Tijdschrift voor de Sociale...
Reading matter

Reading matter

In this post you’ll find links to interesting reading matter. On January 26 2014 Hendrik Wagenaar sent another link: (click here) It is remarkable that a quality paper like The Guardian has such a narrow, populist and incorrect view on Dutch law on prostitution....